
Top cancer mortality

Data shows that in recent years as urban residents living habits and lifestyle changes, and population aging and environmental factors affect the incidence of cancer among ranking also changed. Overall cancer incidence and mortality increased. Male cancer incidence rate in the top three followed, lung, stomach, liver; female breast, lung and stomach cancer.
Cancer can be prevented through healthy diet, physical activity and not using tobacco.
Tobacco use is the single largest preventable cause of cancer. Tobacco use causes lung, throat, mouth, pancreas, bladder, stomach, liver, kidney and other types of cancer; environmental tobacco smoke (passive smoking) causes lung cancer.
One-fifth of cancers worldwide are caused by chronic infections, mainly from hepatitis B virus (which causes liver cancer), human papilloma viruses HPV (causing cervix), Helicobacter pylori (causing stomach), schistosomes (causing bladder cancer ), liver fluke (bile duct) and human immunodeficiency virus (Kaposi sarcoma and lymphoma)

