Many cancer patients believe that their physical weakness, fear of sexual life will be worse, and more will take abstinence.
In fact, the sexual life of cancer patients not only will not the appropriate "worse", but is to promote the rehabilitation of a "medicine." According to the World Anti-Cancer Center survey, cancer patients after treatment, relapse rates were sexually active sexual life were lower than those without. At the same time, the length of survival time of patients with cancer and treatment in addition to related not to a large extent also depends on the survival of patients have the firm belief and courage, and comfort and affection between husband and wife power greater.
In fact, there are many reasons for cancer patients will result in sex, which in addition to cancerous lesions of the results, chemical drugs, surgery and other treatment and patients are anxiety, fear and despair, can virtually increase the patient's sexual indifference .
Cancer patients than in surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy during the period of poor physical sex life should be temporarily stopped, the patients at the rehabilitation period, as long as spontaneous sexual desire, can make the appropriate sex life.
Cancer patients how to control the frequency and timing of sexual life? It depends on condition, age, physical, mental state and nutritional status and other circumstances. General surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy because of greater physical exertion during the pause of life, recovery period can be as long as proper sex life sexual desire. As for the sex life of moderation, so that patients should not feel the hands of backache, dizziness, fatigue is appropriate.
Of course, because of physical strength and resistance to cancer patients is poor, are vulnerable to foreign bacteria or pathogens. Thus, in terms of sexual health should be more attention than usual. Such as regular cleaning of the vulva, the use of condoms to avoid adverse effects.
Since cancer is not transmitted through sexual life and, therefore, there be infected spouses do not have doubts, you should be happy to accept the opposite sex, so that the other party to maintain a good mood, which will greatly benefit the cancer patient.