
Hepatitis patients should lie down for an hour after a meal

The importance of the liver to the body is self-evident, in our patients with liver diseases have a million or more, which, in part, acute hepatitis, acute hepatitis attack quickly, but big chance of cure, related to the treatment during the same time, also pay attention to rest and diet adjustment, can play a multiplier effect!
During acute hepatitis, should be "resting" the main
Currently no treatment for hepatitis case of potent drugs, proper rest is the most important therapeutic measures. This is because the bed rest can reduce the consumption of physical strength, but also can increase blood flow to the liver.
Experiments show that when the blood flow bed rest, produce more than 40% of the time standing. Bed rest, can repair needs to ensure that regeneration of nutrients. Rest, the better, the condition will improve faster, more thorough.
Lie down for an hour after a meal good for the liver
If the patient began to have symptoms of jaundice, until the jaundice, the symptoms improved significantly after the daily activities you can get up an hour or two, however, should patients do not feel fatigue limit. Later, as the condition gradually improved, when increasing activity, but also do not grasp the degree of fatigue.
When liver cells are damaged as much as possible so that more blood flow to the liver, liver cells more than the supply of oxygen and nutrients.
Therefore, one or two hours of bed rest after a meal is absolutely indispensable, which can increase the amount of blood flow to the liver, the liver is good repair.
Recovery should be "dynamic and static, step by step"
To the recovery period, the patient's activity can be increased, to "dynamic and static, step by step." Until the symptoms disappeared and liver function were normal, the patient can exercise a certain time each day was. But the activity to be small, such as a walk, playing tai chi and so on.
Then after a month or two so close observation, the condition has stabilized, the liver functions are normal, patients can resume their daily lives, but it should also avoid strenuous physical activity, persons engaged in mental work, we must be careful not to overwork, while Get enough sleep time.
In general, hepatitis A cure for more than six months can participate in violent activities.
Five patients with hepatitis should eat foods help the liver
If, unfortunately, suffering from hepatitis, should be actively treated, appropriate rest and nutrition, this may also be recovered in a relatively short period of time. So, what food should be eaten with hepatitis in order to supplement the body needs good nutrition it?
The following are experts advocate the five patients with hepatitis should eat foods:
★ milk
With high-quality protein, lactose and easily absorbed body cream, vitamins, rich in calcium and phosphorus and various trace elements, is the ideal natural food hepatitis.
★ fish
The protein and protein structure similar to the human body, easy to digest and absorb.
★ honey and royal jelly
Main ingredient is glucose and fructose, can be directly absorbed by the body contains a variety of inorganic salts and trace elements, is easily absorbed, high utilization.
★ eggs
Egg yolk is rich in fat, including neutral fats, lecithin and cholesterol. Hepatitis patients can reasonably feeding eggs to no more than 2 per day is appropriate.
★ mushrooms
Rich in amino acids and vitamins, also has anti-bacterial, anti-cancer role and function of the spleen appetizer.

