
How to correct myopia in children with congenital strabismus?

For some genetic diseases are often a headache for parents, the father suffers from strabismus, son actually is, my mother eyes, astigmatism, daughter too, this is a frustration for parents, for this genetic eye problem should be how to deal with it? Listen to Children's Hospital the following recommendation of the Director of Ophthalmology Kim Ji:
Kobayashi is the astigmatism, and accompanied by strabismus, because parents do not attach importance to a child, his eyes never heal. Until they grow up, realize their own crowd, go to the hospital had missed treatment opportunity, this, Kobayashi extremely regrettable. Kobayashi later married. Learned that his wife was pregnant, he is very worried that after the birth of a child is afraid of astigmatism, strabismus. Scared to go with his wife survived a hard nine months, baby finally comes out, can be counterproductive, the child is astigmatism.
Because of his "warning", the couple from Wenzhou Kobayashi son is coming with provincial child protection director Kim Ji Here, Director Kim Ji help small positive.
Small is a high degree of astigmatism, left eye is 150 degrees astigmatism, right eye has reached 400 degrees, since the left and right eye vision imbalance, the children used to do mainly with the left eye observation of the eye, there have been strabismus problems.
Strabismus is a common childhood disease usually refers to the eye position is not correct, what we often call a "cross-eyed" or "dirty looks", from the appearance that we can clearly see the two incongruous: a look ahead to the other eye side view. Over time, the side will result in strabismus amblyopia. On the other hand, not with the eyes to see things, see things that no three-dimensional sense, common sense will be affected, such as when climbing stairs in front of a flat road, the chances of falling.
Little is time to wear glasses, and with the amblyopia treatment and intensive training. Astigmatism has been corrected, amblyopia is also cured. Slowly, strabismus also corrected the over, and now, small is the eyes look perfectly normal, this couple is very pleased to Kobayashi.
Director Kim Ji said many parents think that strabismus only affect the child's appearance, after he grows up to be a minor nature will be good. In this regard, she stressed that this concept is absolutely wrong. Once the parents found the child suffering from strabismus, early diagnosis and treatment should be, otherwise it will create intractable amblyopia and lack of three-dimensional.
So when is the best time for treatment of refractive problems? Kim Ji ,3-5-year-old director said, is the sensitive period of visual development, even after this age strabismus resolved through surgery, it can only play a cosmetic effect.
Director Kim Ji advised parents at the age of the child to the hospital for a couple of regular eye examinations, in kindergarten, it should be checked once each semester. In addition, parents should teach kids to identify the vision statement, in general, the three-year-old child, already confirmed by visual check to the table whether there is vision disorders. If the pre-school children have found oblique amblyopia, through timely and proper treatment, usually can be cured.
In addition to oblique amblyopia, as well as congenital cataracts, ptosis, conjunctivitis and other eye diseases need early detection and treatment. "Congenital cataract in children 3 months to -6 months to surgical treatment, if more than 6 months, vision loss is inevitable." Director Kim Ji said.
For some genetic problems can be seen, only early detection and early treatment, and for children at an early stage of see things like a normal person can not be blind to delay the treatment time to prevent delays during the child's best treatment!

