
Network of eight crazy hottest breast augmentation Law

1, strengthening the natural Bra
Detailed tricks: After bathing, applying moisture to the body exposed. Action with a smile to your mouth wide, repeated 20 times to strengthen the neck muscles; from bottom to top, from the outside to raise up within the breast, and then extended to the upper chest to massage the neck area, means the same for upward, massage for 5 minutes.
Effectiveness analysis: to promote blood circulation, tighten the neck, chest muscles, strengthen the body's natural Bra, make breasts firmer.
2, green papaya breast
Detailed tricks: green papaya peeled, seeded, cut, chop cut, blanched with hot water fishy. Pot boiled roll, the ribs, papaya, onion, ginger, cooking wine into the low heat simmer for 3 hours, thrown into the salt seasoning food. Cautions, slightly bitter winter of fresh papaya, is a normal phenomenon, may be safe to eat.
Effectiveness analysis: Green Papaya has good fruit first breast, Kelly Lin, Yuki are eating it to breast. Because abundant papaya enzymes and vitamin A can stimulate the secretion of female hormones to help breast, with meat consumption, the best results.
3, hydro-massage bath
Detailed tactics: use of bath shower, will alternate with warm water or cold water wash from bottom to top, to stimulate the chest. After washing, taking advantage of the body slightly hot, rub moisturizing gel, massage the chest.
Effectiveness analysis: methods for breast enlargement is one of Bowie shower water massage the chest. Short period of low temperatures, breast tissue can improve nutrition, increase tension, to promote its growth. The impact of the use of water on the chest massage, but also to shape the breast areola color and more light.
4, medicated breast
Detailed tricks: 100 grams peanuts, red dates to the core 100 grams, 20 grams of astragalus, porridge, fresh even after 7 days period.
Effectiveness analysis: This popular since the Qing Road, Queen's Diet, the legend is the imperial doctor Empress developed specifically for breast recipe. Modern nutrition analysis, peanuts are rich in protein and fat; dates can be fluid, regulating the endocrine; Astragalus qi and blood circulation, make the chest with the three dimensions of the state to upgrade to your satisfaction, but also warm the uterus to improve pregnancy rates.
5, avocado breast
Detailed tricks: avocado half, dig out the pulp, add milk 250ml, walnut amount, whipped into a juice drink, honey and seasonings available.
Effectiveness Analysis: Taiwan's first beauty Stephanie often drink fruit juices such butter, the effect of breast for all to see. Avocado rich content of unsaturated fatty acids, can increase the elasticity of breast tissue; contains vitamin A can promote the secretion of female hormones, vitamin C can prevent deformation of the chest, vitamin E helps the chest. The milk and walnuts contain proteins and lipids can promote breast sponge expansion.
6, BRANDIED breast
Detailed tricks: BRANDIED amount of water, microwave about 2 minutes, made from fermented rice or eggs, fermented glutinous rice dumpling. Menstrual cramps before eating again sooner or later, the better.
Effectiveness analysis: day heart to have the devil figure, BRANDIED denied. Many nutritionists agree that breast BRANDIED effect. Because BRANDIED female breast contains cells can promote the fullness of the natural hormone, its alcohol content can also help to improve the breast blood circulation.
7, clip breast book
Detailed tactics: armpit clip in two books, jumping forward with both hands flat, sour, or adhere to the arm until the book drop, multiple daily practice. Vary the thickness of the book, to not feel uncomfortable appropriate.
Effectiveness analysis: This method won the "Taiwan Wave God" Donlin respected.
Expert analysis: armpit clip books, when forced to move his hands before the people back straight, chest. This posture helps to exercise chest, upright chest.
8, hypnosis breast
Detailed trick: tell yourself, "My chest is becoming more plentiful, more and more upright."
Effectiveness analysis: The psychologist emphasized that a woman breast directly to retained traces of psychological growth. In many cases, the decision of the breast but also in the growth of the brain it suggests. This suggests the relationship with the breast closely than we had imagined, more than the fat and glands within the breast physiology.

