
A woman from the face and body health

Chinese people pay attention to looking face, although face seen from the rich and the poor, marriage some "do not fly", but we do not hide do not believe the health code. "From a medical point of view, 'phase from the Heart' is quite reasonable." Professor Wang Donglan Military Medical Academy, said: "According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the eye through the liver, lungs through the nose and mouth through the spleen, ear through kidneys tongue through the heart, face, like a miniature scenic area, you can see from the operational status of the body organs.
Reveal the face of your health map:
Yellow whites of the eyes possession of liver disease
The color white of the eye: if the yellow whites of the eyes, liver disease that may have hidden; anemia usually pale eyelids; whites who have allergies will darken the color, luster faded, and grays out.
Dark circles: the black eye is accompanied by some abnormal symptoms, and sometimes signs of disease. Cirrhosis, nephritis, renal failure, respiratory failure, and blood diseases, or endocrine disorders will appear dark circles. Break caused by bad dark circles, reduce the staying up late will be eliminated.
Yellow eyes, red heart and lung disorders
Color of eyes: eyes which appear pink as it indicates that good health, shows that red blood, digestive and reproductive disorders, anemia, or a white that the blood circulation disorders, appears red and yellow may be a kidney, liver, spleen, pancreas, heart dysfunction.
Protruding eyes: eyes raised to is an indication of thyroid problems.
Nose is dry and Hyperactivity
Dry nose: nasal ventilation and to play the normal olfactory function, must rely on harmonic lung and respiratory smooth profits. Dry nose, breathing with a hot, often caused Hyperactivity.
Nasal obstruction: general is due to the lung caused by a cold. Japanese medical studies have shown that nasal congestion but also with the gastrointestinal dysfunction, do not just clear the nose, is also important for maintenance of the gastrointestinal tract.
Rupture of the stomach tired mouth
Lip color: like the lips and lower eyelids are thin, fully reflecting the redness of the skin. Shallow lip color, red blood cells may be insufficient. Recommended a change in diet, eat animal organs and tofu, so as to reduce symptoms of anemia. If the lips are too red, maybe you are being "hot card" problems. When the temperature increases, reduced regulatory function of the body, cheeks and lips, tongue, will the local red. Eat more fresh fruit, drink plenty of water, can help you resolve the body of excess heat, so lip color back to normal.
Mouth break: When the stomach is fatigue, can cause heat, resulting in swelling and rupture of mouth. Proposed meal to chew a few more, to fully absorb and digest food. Stomach "temperature" is reduced, mouth swelling will soon disappear.
Drooling: wake up, the total found around dripping saliva pillow? Drooling may be gastrointestinal weakness, unable to fully absorb water, causing water retention, saliva diluted before flow mouth. If you still feel the bowel, stomach-ming, it is best to see Gastroenterology.
Bad ears red kidney
Ear redness: Chinese medicine theory, the ears represent the kidney, ear red or purple that renal circulation is not good. Less alcohol, eat fine food, more exercise to promote circulation.
Earlobe wrinkles: When the hardening of arteries occurs when the blood of the ear are less due to "ischemia" wrinkles. When your ear lobe wrinkles appeared when, please check your heart.
Tongue tremor, poor physical
Tongue tremor: mirror tongue, if quivering tongue, is likely to be mental stress, physical symptoms of depression. Medicine survey found that more than Qicheng people are not aware of tongue tremor. Proposed to adjust the rest, otherwise easily lead to nervous breakdown.
Purple tongue: When the blood contains large amounts of waste, the tongue will be slightly purple. If accompanied by shoulder stiffness and back pain, indicating that the body "metabolic waste" have accumulated too much light diet to last a week, to be a steam bath can be mitigated.
Tongue shape and color: tongue too thick, is gastrointestinal dysfunction, or eating too much; tongue too thin, spring and autumn are more common, indicating that your resistance is declining; tongue yellow signal is a cold, keep warm, drink plenty of invasion of warm water can prevent a cold.
Face the root cause of abnormal
Red cheeks: Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Center of Physical and reproductive money will be deputy director of the South said, health, red is emitted from the inside out, face up the two groups inexplicable "Gaoyuanhong" usually five upset hot lead, usually accompanied by feelings of irritability, fever Zuxin hands hearts two. From the Western perspective, the blush is also possible that the performance of a low grade fever, wash a comfortable hot bath, and then the United States and the United States sleep, we can ease.
Face: pale cheeks are symptoms of anemia. People with poor lung capacity in vivo "blood running slow", can easily lead to pale cheeks. In addition to nutritional supplements, it is recommended to do more jogging, walking and other aerobic exercise, to ensure an adequate supply of Oxygen. Reduced kidney filtering, waste will be long-term accumulation of body, making the skin dull, his face black, eat fresh fruits and vegetables eat less meat to help the waste discharge.

