
Color Psychology: bedspread can affect health

You have to know psychological taboo: the taboo of these diseases, the color bedspread
Red represents anger, passion, vitality;
Orange symbolizes joy, warm, warm;
Balmy bright yellow, giving joy, hope, wisdom;
Intermediate between cold and warm colors of green, harmony, tranquility, health;
Blue distant, cool, fresh purple noble, mysterious and elegant;
Pink delicate, young, small girl's favorite;
Black sometimes solemn, sometimes silent void;
Sometimes pure white, sacred, and sometimes fear, sadness.
Light orange bedspread - helps calcium absorption, headache, fever, insomnia
Such as the elderly living room with a light orange bedspread, can be induced by appetite, helps calcium absorption, two people in high spirits, good mood. Or choose the blue, help to relieve headaches, fever, insomnia and other symptoms.
Light green bedspread - to calm impatient person is appropriate
Who easily irritable mood swings, tender green bedspread room is appropriate, so that the spirit of relaxation and relieve tension. In general, the color of the bedspread elegant colors majority.
Light green bedspread - to calm impatient person is appropriate
Who easily irritable mood swings, tender green bedspread room is appropriate, so that the spirit of relaxation and relieve tension. In general, the color of the bedspread elegant colors majority.
Yellow bedspread - symptoms of depression were taboo and fidget
On the contrary, gold could easily lead to emotional instability, so patients suffering from depression and fidget people should not use gold.
Blue bedspread - computers, for white-collar workers
If the master bedroom with hypertension or heart disease, preferably covered with light blue bedspread, in order to facilitate blood pressure and pulse return to normal. In addition, blue is also suitable for white-collar family Yongnaoguodu.
Purple bedspread - used with caution in patients with heart disease
Purple can maintain the balance of potassium, a sedative effect, but their motor function and cardiac systems are suppressed, it should be used with caution in patients with heart disease, purple bedspread.
Indigo bedspread - pain relief for postoperative recovery were
Indigo will affect vision, hearing and smell, can reduce the body's sensitivity to pain. Wound recovering patients can choose indigo bedspread and other household items, or simply paint the room indigo.

