
Five Food Can Affect Your Life Part 1:Spinach

Some foods make you eat on the road to go the healthy life is more flat, do not get rid of some dietary habits, over many years will ruin your life.
First, the spinach
1, no anemia: Spinach is rich in iron, iron is the raw material of human blood is one of the good food when the female menstrual period. People who regularly eat spinach ruddy, shiny, can be far away from iron deficiency anemia.
2, physical strength: Spinach contains considerable protein, can help the physical development, energetic.
3, good skin: Vitamin K, which is lacking in many fruits and vegetables. Human hair shiny, skin pale and shiny, not only vitamin A, B, C, and ultimately, vitamin K.
4, detoxification: spinach can clear toxic heat in the stomach body, avoid constipation and maintain the smooth discharge. And low calorie spinach, eat fat, do not worry.
5, the protection of vision: We know that lack of vitamin A can cause dry eyes, to see things "fuzzy." Carotene in spinach is converted in the body into vitamin A, can reduce the risk of retinal degeneration. People who frequently used the computer there should be no small help.
6, stable mood: Spinach is rich in vitamins A, B, C can help you from out of state of restless, away tension, improve the depressed mood.
7, the Health and healthy babies: folic acid in spinach at the mother is very important to add plenty of folic acid during pregnancy, not only avoid the birth of the baby has developmental defects, but also to reduce the newborn baby suffering from leukemia, the probability of congenital heart disease and other diseases.

