
Pregnant women often fish can reduce postpartum depression

Is that people like to eat fish fish food, it is nutritious, containing a large number of high quality protein and less fat, tender and tastes but also detailed, easy to digest. Recent studies have found that women are more suitable to eat more fish, less fat, which in addition to fish, eat fish low in calories, and women often difficult to gain weight, the fish of the women have the following number of "special" benefits.
First, the fetus during pregnancy good for fish
Danish scientists found that pregnant women eat fish frequently occur in preterm and low birth weight infants are not likely much lower than normal pregnant women eat fish or little fish. If once a week to eat fish during pregnancy, the possibility of preterm birth was only 1.9%, and never fish the possibility of premature delivery in pregnant women was 7.1%. The reason is the fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, the effective increase to prevent preterm birth and the role of birth weight.
Second, pregnant women often fish can reduce the occurrence of depression
U.S. doctors found that pregnant women in the first 3 months of pregnancy from the fish intake of omega-3 more (of a fish 2 to 3 times per week), during pregnancy and after birth the less likely depression. Scientists explained that, omega-3 fatty acids in the brain is key "building blocks", the lack of food omega-3, a brain chemical called serotonin will be a corresponding small, low serotonin levels may cause or worsen depression .
Third, the fish can prevent breast cancer
Studies have said that in Japan, Korea, Scandinavia, Iceland low incidence of breast cancer in women, which they often eat the deep-sea fish related. Finnish researchers found that fish contains essential amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids can inhibit cancer cell formation, prevent cancer cell reproduction. If you eat fish twice a week can reduce the recurrence rate of breast cancer. Studies have shown that fish oil is better for breast cancer and lymphoma. Cancer can often choose food, sardines, herring, fish, squid and so on.
Fourth, slow down girl dysmenorrhea
Danish experts found that each day has a history of dysmenorrhea girl eating two grams of fish oil, after three months, these girls get improved dysmenorrhea. Experts believe that fish oils (including fish) rich in omega-3 fatty acids do for the Alleviation of dysmenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, this fatty acid intake of young girls and more often is to eat fish, it is best to eat deep-sea salmon, tuna fish.
In addition, women eat more fish can reduce the incidence of stroke, diabetes, women who often eat fish can prevent heart disease and other complications appear. It should be noted: risk of bleeding sexually transmitted diseases (including blood of patients), gout, allergies to fish for pregnant women, it is best not to eat fish.

