
How to prevent cervical spondylosis

In recent years, cervical approach young people, especially office workers, sitting in front of the computer due to the long body flexion, the muscles, ligaments and other soft tissue long period of tension, the neck muscles are tired out after a physical load, that is, we often said that the cervical disease.
At the end of a heavy workload, the need for more time than usual sitting in front of the computer, but then must pay attention to, in addition to maintaining the correct posture, but also learn to sneak.
First, to ensure the correct posture, sitting position as possible to maintain the natural, will sit back and keep the neck straight.
Second, should be not less than 3 times per week, less than 30 minutes of exercise each time, it is necessary for good health. Long-term sitting in front of the computer, should increase the time for rest breaks and activities to enhance the body's blood circulation, eliminate local muscle fatigue, prevention and mitigation of the cervical spine strain.
Third, to avoid the cold air blowing straight neck and shoulder muscles, keep warm.
Fourth, the height of the pillow hard and soft to moderate, generally those who sit high punch pillow, pillow side who punch a half high, about 10cm or so. Pillow with kapok, buckwheat husk as well, loading amount should be appropriate to maintain a certain degree of hardness and elasticity. Elastic pillow too easily lead to neck muscle fatigue and injury.
Are best used to sit in a small neck pillow Xiadian to maintain cervical physiological curvature. Should be used side by the face and shoulder pillow stuffed into the gap in order to reduce the burden on the neck.
Fifth, should stand up more than an hour sitting activities. As chair sat a long time, relatively fixed position, position changes less often in the neck muscle tension in one direction.
Suggested office workers who work continuously more than 1 hour, the best work to stop the hands of a little look at the activities, do some stretching and turned around, swivel movement, to avoid long-term fixed in a position caused by low back pain.
Sixth, in his spare time, should be appropriate to participate in badminton, table tennis and other physical exercise, increase back extensor strength.
Sit-ups and swallow some water (supine two cases) are very good training methods, jogging, brisk walking, swimming is a good way to exercise the body, which will also help prevent muscle strain.
Workers can make good use of back, back as far as possible and rely on the back of a chair close to the waist were still gaps, you can place a small cushion, hold up the waist, so that will not be too lumbosacral muscle fatigue.
How to exercise after work
Choose low-impact type of exercise, such as lifting dumbbells, push-ups, sit-ups and side sit-mentioned legs and so on. Generally carried out before going to sleep, and exercise twice a week, or once every other day exercise, then stop training during the day, working too hard. Each exercise 20 to 30 minutes, after gradually extended, including: warm-up activities, about 5 minutes; training activities, 15 to 20 minutes; relaxing activities, 5 to 10 minutes.
A campaign should include training group actions in different parts of the body and can reach all parts of the body. This will enable all parts of the body muscles get even increased significantly improves physical strength, long-term adherence to physical form but also significantly improved.
Order can have a variety of arrangements, the general practice among the top upper body, lower body emission in the post-training; training large muscle groups of the top, training small muscle groups in the bottom. Each action or to practice 2 to 3 groups, a training group should not exceed 20. Sum in excess, can be slightly sweating.
How to prevent cervical disease during the Spring Festival
During the holidays, you can type high-impact aerobic exercise such as running, swimming, tennis, rock climbing or boxing. Can be selected according to their own freedom-loving sport, and time 1 to 2 hours.
The body, the benefits of such exercises is to consume large amounts of calories, strengthen muscles, increase energy, endurance and hand-eye coordination. Psychologically, these campaigns can help you lift the external pressure, so that you sweat and temporarily forget the daily work chores.
Reminder: If you often feel the neck, shoulder and severe back pain, accompanied by vertigo, dizziness, headache, migraine headaches, head pressure, Jinshu flu symptoms, to be timely to conduct a comprehensive inspection and regular hospital treatment to prevent the disease further.

