
Seven benefits for pregnant women chestnuts

Late autumn, winter, chestnut and listing, and it dates, together with persimmon is known as the "iron rice bowl", showing their rich nutrition. Mothers eat can not only fitness chestnut bone, but also to mature pelvis, as well as fatigue and so on. Combined with delicious fried sweet chestnut is indeed a very good food. But also learned to eat chestnuts Oh, let's elaborate on the ways.
The nutritional content of chestnuts
Not only contains a lot of starch, chestnuts, and rich in protein, fat, B vitamins and other nutrients, heat is also high, vitamin B1, B2 rich, vitamin B2 content of rice is at least 4 times.
Even more incredible is that vitamin C contained in fresh chestnut recognized vitamin C than tomatoes rich even more, it is Apple's more than a dozen times! Chestnuts also contain minerals comprehensive, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, potassium particularly prominent, rich in potassium than Apple claims to 4 times higher.
The specific nutritional benefits chestnuts as follows:
Contained in the rich chestnut of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins, minerals, can prevent hypertension, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, osteoporosis and other diseases, is anti-aging, longevity tonic;
Chestnut contains riboflavin, eat on the run-refractory pediatric chestnut tongue sores and mouth ulcers benefit adults;
Chestnut is a high carbohydrate content of dried fruit varieties, can supply the body more energy, and can help fat metabolism, with Qi and spleen, thick fill the role of gastrointestinal;
Chestnuts are rich in vitamin C, to maintain the teeth, bones, blood vessels of normal muscle function, can prevent and treat osteoporosis, waist and legs and knees, bones and muscles ache and fatigue, slow down human aging.
The benefits of mother-to eat chestnuts
Chestnut is not only nutritious, but also a great benefit at the mother. Chestnut can be spleen and kidney, improve immunity, promote fetal development, but also help mothers to eliminate swelling, ease the mood. In addition, raw chestnut also Governing numb legs and feet, has medicinal effect.
Fitness bone, reduce fatigue, said foreigners chestnut as "ginseng fruit", which is rich in nutrition and health benefits of a large number of minerals at the mother. Mothers eat can not only fitness chestnut bone, mature in favor of the pelvis, as well as to eliminate fatigue.
Stomach Spleen chestnut sweet and warm, the effect of spleen and stomach. Mothers are often poor appetite, and even usually do not want to eat their favorite food, family members can be persuaded to help them eat chestnut improve gastrointestinal function.
Enhance immunity chestnut is rich in quality protein and contains amino acids needed by the body, help to improve the mother's immune system, helps fetal development.
In addition to promoting fetal development chestnut is rich in protein, carbohydrates, it also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and other minerals and vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2. In particular vitamin C, B vitamins and folic acid and carotene content of nuts to be higher than the average. These nutrients can promote fetal growth and development, prevention of adverse fetal development.
Treatment Yaotuisuanruan, chronic diarrhea and other illnesses chestnut sweet and warm, raw or cooked chestnuts are treating lumbar and leg weakness, frequent urination as a result of chronic diarrhea caused by spleen Deficiency and so on. In addition, the chestnut can also help mothers relieve nausea symptoms.
Eliminate edema chestnut is rich in potassium, potassium can help balance the body's sodium and potassium in the body if too little will cause the body's sodium-potassium imbalance, excess sodium will retain moisture, resulting in cellular edema . However, if the amount of physical enough potassium intake, sodium ions will not retain excess water. Therefore, excess potassium can help the body of water metabolism, elimination of edema, edema at the mother's symptoms often have some help.

