
How to prevent recurrence of hemorrhoids, in winter

Relapse is that many hemorrhoids hemorrhoids cure hemorrhoids in patients with headache after the question, especially now that the dry cold weather, when the recurrence of hemorrhoids is very easy. This is not the same as hemorrhoids with the appendix, cut on the end of the story. Hemorrhoid surgery is not the law make ends meet, the recurrence of hemorrhoids will remain, especially some had no cure hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids cure has not recurred. Now try to understand the prevention of recurrence of hemorrhoids several coup it.
After surgical removal of hemorrhoids will not relapse? Almost all patients have this worry. Medical Practice has proved that it is possible to relapse after hemorrhoid surgery, but recurrence rate is still quite high. Because hemorrhoids is a vascular disease, were sitting in the long term, work stations, there is likely hemorrhoids, so this is not everything will be fine after surgery. Hemorrhoids surgery is just the removal of the original, if not pay attention to maintenance, rectum and anal canal in hemorrhoidal veins will often still bleeding, it is possible to generate new hemorrhoids.
So, how to prevent relapse and prevention of hemorrhoids hemorrhoids?
First, pay attention to food regulation. Doctors warn patients of hemorrhoids after the first is not to drink, whether it is rice wine, white wine, or beer, are considered taboo as well. Where the spicy food stimulation, such as mustard, pepper, chili sauce, ginger, green onions, garlic, fennel, etc., on the hemorrhoids have a great impact congestive hemorrhage, hemorrhoids, patients should eat or not eat as much as possible.
From the perspective of prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids, eat more fruits and vegetables many advantages. For example: spinach, celery, wild rice, watermelon, pears, bananas, apples, etc. (oranges to eat less, because the fruit is hot), on the one hand to maintain smooth bowel movements, on the other hand reduce bleeding hemorrhoids expansion.
Effective prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids a lot of health food, a turtle, turtle, pig or sheep intestines, snail, loach, honey, red bean, black sesame, walnut meat, bamboo shoots, Cistanche, Sophora japonica, lotus root, black fungus, carrot, fig and so on. Patients can be selected according to different seasons.
Hemorrhoid surgery patients should eat something light, eat greasy fried foods are overweight or smoke, eating the best time quantitative; eat eight full, not overeating, hunger and eat uneven, to prevent gastrointestinal disorders.
Second, develop good bowel habits, maintaining smooth stool. Constipation, dry hard, then when the effort to get it, abdominal pressure increased rapidly, so buckling expansion venous plexus, often causing rupture of hemorrhoids, anal skin laceration, there blood in the stool, and pain. Patients with constipation to refrain from over-straining on the toilet, it is timely medication bowel catharsis. On the other hand, also to prevent diarrhea, stool several times day, even if the injury will be thin, loose stools hemorrhoids. Meanwhile, the stool time not too long, then when the bad habit of reading newspapers to change. They had better clean the anus with warm salt water, improve local blood circulation, in addition to anti-hemorrhoids, advocating sitting barrel stool, due to pit position likely to cause hemorrhoids as well as rectal prolapse.
Third, adequate exercise, pay attention to changes in position. This is also an important method to prevent the recurrence of hemorrhoids, in addition to exercise, boxing, like the body of physical exercise, the need to strengthen the local functional training, anal contraction, also known as the "levator ani", that is self adjusting sphincter, contraction, relaxation anus, a charge was placed, each time the next fifty, about three minutes, once or twice a day. Can be done standing, but also sitting, lying down to do can be done anytime, anywhere. Others can not see, can feel good about themselves. Adhere to long to do, on the prevention of recurrence is very good. Engaged in sedentary, long standing, squatting for a long time to work, the best long-squatting for a long time to sit up and walk, and stood for a long time moving about at ease, and strive to work and rest appropriately, static and dynamic fit.
Fourth, people with high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, cirrhosis, heart disease, abdominal tumors, in patients likely to cause hemorrhoids, to take effective measures to timely treatment to prevent disease on the Canadian disease.
Fifth, once the bulge, and anal blood in the stool and other symptoms should immediately request an experienced practitioner for diagnosis and treatment of anorectal, do not lose the greater, adversely affected by illness.
Hemorrhoids to prevention, early detection and early treatment!

