
14 amazing effect of milk

As we all know milk has very high nutritional value, and people for milk is also a relatively high degree of expectation, but milk also contains ingredients that are actually a lot of the secrets of these ingredients are what we do not know the special Magical, What is unexpected in the end use?
(1) consumption of yogurt with active bacteria in the gut may protect human health and a better cosmetic effect, yogurt and milk fat can enhance the body's immune system;
(2) milk with Hua Chang, moistening of the function, the person has an habitual constipation can relieve constipation, or of the effect will be smooth;
(3) of milk has reduced the role of cholesterol in the human body;
(4) of potassium in milk, arteries can be stable at high pressure, while minimizing the risk of stroke;
(5) milk has a certain role in detoxification, it can prevent the absorption of food in the body of toxic metals lead and cadmium;
(6) in milk iron, copper and vitamin A have the effect of anti-aging facial;
(7) milk iron, copper, and lecithin can slow the aging brain;
(8), the calcium in milk, to build strong bones and bone and teeth, or osteoporosis can reduce the incidence of disease;
(10) of zinc in milk as soon as possible to make wound healing;
(11) in milk vitamin A can improve people's vision;
(12), the tryptophan in milk can help sleep;
(13), often blues, can help in preventing atherosclerosis;
(14) milk can stimulate the role of gallbladder emptying, that is the best prevention of gallstones good agent. Milk, while having the function and role of a variety of health care, but it is not medicine, it is impossible to directly treat a specific disease resistance, consumers do not put the milk as a panacea to cure all diseases.
Milk, nutritional supplements out there are many special role outside of the legend of Cleopatra bath with milk, more beautiful skin smooth. Modern people are aware that drinking milk can absorb calcium, to maintain a healthy skeleton. But beyond your imagination is the milk is also able to "help" of, did not think of it!
Study reported that fat content in milk is not only the particular sexually transmitted diseases can kill the bacteria, but also as a contraceptive ingredient it.
Vitro experiments showed that the fat content of milk in a special gel material as raw material, can, in just five minutes to be able to kill the AIDS virus, herpes virus, and syphilis. Minutes can also reduce sperm motility.
Animal experiments also showed that this special composition of milk without irritating side effects, no toxicity. So the researchers quite have the confidence to develop this component of the prevention of STIs and contraception use of pharmaceuticals.

