
Seven Eye Care Mistakes

Although the skin of the eye to it a little bit, but it should be noted that maintenance problem or with a lot of! The following is summed up by eye care Xiaobian 7 errors, do not want to premature aging of your eyes, then there must be watchful eye!
Error one: after 25 years of age need eye care
Correct interpretation: general skin began to decline after the age of 25, which is a natural decline, but we should not take 25 years as a strict dividing line, in fact, maintenance can take preventive measures before the age of 25, reduce the number of skin conditions. Eye on the vast majority of people, is essential, not simply based on age to determine whether the need to use eye care products, and according to skin type, climate, environment, etc. to decide whether and in what eye care products.
Myth: components can be used as a mild cream cream
Correct interpretation: instead of using cream eye cream is absolutely impossible! Some people think that fragile eye skin with cream is not as stimulating cream ingredients, but ingredients are not afraid of moderate nutrient cream, ah! Eye cream is a big deal more delicate, high point, and the price is expensive. They believe that the cream with reliable quality can replace the cream, nutrition cream so often as a cream applied around the eye. In fact, this is very unscientific, since the design itself, the composition of cream and eye cream is different from even the sensitive facial skin, skin and eyes is different, so the solution should use the special eye problems Eye Care products.
Myth: The more the amount of eye care products the better
Correct interpretation: eye skin conditions complicated, fine lines, relaxation, puffiness, dark circles, fat granule, such as different problems, so the development of eye care products are based on different characteristics of the eye. Nourishing eye relatively heavy texture of the product, not only can not use too much absorption, the opposite eye will become a burden on the skin and accelerate skin aging eye. The type of eye care products fresh dilution comparison, can be periodically coated with a thick layer of the eye SPA.
Myth: Only at night before going to bed eye care products
Correct interpretation: the use of eye care products and facial skin care products, as should be used sooner or later, instead of Xiangqilaijiu use, can not remember to do, or just before sleep at night with a fixed, it is not right. In fact, the day before makeup can help eye skin moisturizing cream, another layer of isolation, so that cosmetic products can also reduce damage to the skin of the eye.
Myth: Eye care products to cure wrinkles
Correct interpretation: In the field of cosmetic medicine today, acne, dark spots, wrinkles treatment is known as the three major problems. For the eye wrinkles, bags under the eyes and dark circles, the use of eye care products is the equivalent of "remedial measures", only you can prevent accelerated aging eye. Therefore, the wise woman should take preventive measures, in the absence of wrinkles on the use of eye cream.
Myth: Eye Care Eye only a
Correct interpretation: With the refinement and specialization of cosmetics, eye care products today is diverse and varied. More for different eye problems, different age and design of personal circumstances, as rich as other cosmetics. Therefore, according to their own environment, eye problems and seasonal buying.
Seven Mistakes: Cream is only used at the end of eye
Correct interpretation: the face is the eyes first appeared in the crow's feet wrinkles, so people often do use eye cream and wrinkles in the corner vertical massage. This is undoubtedly true, but the face is not the first corner of the eye relaxation area, but under the eyes, followed by the upper eyelid. So the first dark circles and bags under the eyes, sagging skin again. Old crow's feet in this region is not visible, but more fragile because of the accumulation of small and very conspicuous sudden appearance of aging, must be a preventive measure.
tips: to master the correct method of eye care
1, deep cleaning
If you often make-up, be sure to use the special eye removal Eye Makeup Remover, especially eyeliner and mascara, do not let cosmetic pigment infiltration in the skin gathered in the eye, it is easy to stimulate the skin of the eye, so each days must be clean.
2, and gently massage
Step 1: the middle finger and ring finger at the light placed on the upper eyelid, gently slipped from the nose and parts of the temple, Rouan temples, were done three times.
Step 2: Repeat the above steps, then pulled way to do twice, and then the middle finger and ring finger for the lower eyelid, repetitive movements, a total of twice.
Step 3: Use eye cream, points around the eye, repeat all steps of the action, the method changed to press three times to do.

