
Most women concerned about contraceptive issues 10

With the New Year, many female friends in the quiet study on the contraceptive issue. Presently there are over five hundred kinds of oral contraceptives, there are about 100 million women worldwide use combined oral contraceptives, does not affect the sexual experience, fully self-control to reproductive rights and so many women have reported such a small tablet with great enthusiasm, but at the same time, many women use the pill, there are still many concerns and understand, now let us look at the 10 most talked about issues concerning contraceptives.
1, short-acting oral contraceptives and reliable contraceptive effect it?
Short-acting contraceptive pill is one of the most reliable methods of contraception. The drug from the composition of estrogen and progesterone, two hormones through multiple effects together to achieve contraceptive effect. Popular contraceptive Yasmin, which contains progestin drospirenone component, close to the natural progesterone component, in accordance with the instructions in the case of the proper use of contraception has more than 99% efficiency, but also reliable than condoms.
2, long-term safety of the pill how?
Came from the 60s to the present, contraceptives for over 50 years of development, the new contraceptive side effects have been very low, security is very high. Oral contraceptives contain estrogen component in the beginning of each piece from 50 micrograms to 30 micrograms into today, reducing the side effects of estrogen. Progesterone also been upgrading the same time, such as the characteristics of the closest natural progesterone (drospirenone) Compound short-acting oral contraceptives, their safety has been greatly improved.
As a reversible contraceptive method, disable oral contraceptives, the vast majority of women can quickly restore fertility. In addition to contraceptive effectiveness, oral contraceptives, ovulation can also be effective in reducing pain, dysmenorrhea, premenstrual tension syndrome symptoms and so on. Large amount of female menstrual susceptible to anemia, oral contraceptives can reduce this risk. In addition, oral contraceptives can help women reduce the ectopic pregnancy, the incidence of ovarian cancer, etc..
3, the use of contraceptives during sex will affect it?
Oral contraceptives can provide barrier-free sexual experience, present new oral contraceptives are achieved through the contraceptive effect, without any external physical protection, comfort and sex will not be affected.
4, there are many birth control pills, take one day, there are only taken after the event, which is why?
There are now more common short-acting oral contraceptives (day one, according to the menstrual cycle use) as well as emergency contraceptives (after taking), they are two types of mechanism and application of very different groups of contraceptive drugs. Short-acting oral contraceptives by low doses of estrogen and progesterone work together, multiple protection, together to achieve contraception for couples in a stable routine contraceptive needs of women. Emergency contraception through the realization of higher doses of progestogen contraceptive effect of remedial measures is not appropriate as a routine method of contraception, frequent use of women's health no good.
5, is now very popular online, "the body control pill", can use as a weight-loss drug?
Known as the "body control pill" Yasmin the main means that elements containing the new progestin drospirenone new generation of short-acting oral contraceptives. Yasmin is very low estrogen levels, it contains the progestin drospirenone solution Shuinazhuliu estrogen caused problems with the body of mineralocorticoid receptor binding, accelerated the excretion of water and sodium, popular organization that is less moisture, edema relief to control the weight, will not be long-term use weight gain problem. "Controlling body of contraceptives was" very concerned about the figure for urban women, but particular note is that its efficacy or contraception, without the contraceptive needs of the blind use of contraceptives is not recommended to lose weight.
6, I heard that there are stars with birth control pills acne, really it?
Some girls face from acne, acne is caused by the excess of male hormones, with the new anti-androgen contraceptive pill is taken when you can improve acne. But it is not recommended for acne and casual female friend to use oral contraceptives, the treatment of acne should consult a physician, choose the most suitable method.
7, taking birth control pills will not affect menstruation?
Oral contraceptives do not affect the female menstrual cycle, but to help regular menstrual cycles, but also to alleviate dysmenorrhea, reduction of menstrual flow. With a new drospirenone oral contraceptives also can improve the premenstrual tension syndrome, such as reducing breast tenderness, mood swings, headaches, etc. occur.
8, I heard that birth control pills can change the menstrual period, and I want to go to the beach, you can use birth control pills it?
Delayed menstrual period oral contraceptives is one of the methods used. The very popular contraceptive Yasmin, after taking the secretory endometrium can maintain, extend, stripping does not occur to achieve the purpose of delayed menstruation. If the honeymoon, the seaside resort, sports competitions and other important occasions, may experience menstrual cycle when to worry, you can try this method, preferably 1 to 2 months ahead of time to start taking to ensure the results. Also women should also be careful not to blindly change the cycle of use of contraceptives, should consult a physician, in the proper use of professional guidance.
9, oral contraceptives are not from the day after eating, can be carried out unprotected intercourse?
Not using hormonal contraceptives before women started using contraceptives, should be in the natural menstrual cycle taking 1 day, 7 days after taking the drug, if any sex life, to be added with other appropriate methods of contraception - such as condoms then you can enjoy sex life without barriers. Contraceptives for women are concerned about the leakage of clothing, have clear information on the general statement, it is recommended to read carefully when you start using the proper use, to ensure results.
10, when the use of oral contraceptives what needs attention?
Some women taking will occur early spotting, nausea, a little discomfort is normal and usually disappear within a month or two, will not harm the body. In addition short-acting oral contraceptives for healthy women is the use of drugs, the need to refer to the instructions in the contraindications section or contact a physician to see if suitable for use.

